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"jodie christine photography"
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Cutest Session EVER!

So the amazing H's as I would like to call them are my friends. I am blessed to have them in my life and I know God put them there to teach me, hold me accountable, make me laugh hysterically and be a model of servanthood to me. Jesus truly shines through this couple!

As a token, a very small token compared to all they have done for me, I offered to take photos of their cute family! And in true "H" fashion, I was blessed way more than they were!

Here are a few samples of their precious pups! All three of them have different personalities.

Check them out:

Meet Scrappy. He is the wise old man that you go to for advise on the mountain top. He listens well and knows people. Trust his judgment! I have a personal connection with Scrappy because I went over to the Super H's house for a venting session one day a while back and just as I was about to cry, Scrappy crawled up on the couch where I was sitting and laid his head down in my lap and looked up at me with those story telling eyes. "He is a good sad dog" the H's told me. Scrappy sure is a good dog when you are sad, because I left that day feeling unconditional love!

This is Zoe Girl. She is more the quiet servant. She and her mom are the only girls in the house and all 3 of the boys know how blessed they are to have these two ladies! Zoe is a honey and you should see her cuddle. She loves her some blankets! She really surprised us all during the photo session by being quite the DIVA. Zoe had us all laughing hysterically. I am not lying when I tell you that she started modeling when I pulled out the camera. This, my friends, is her calling. She was perfect during the session and even threw in some of her own poses. Such fun!!!

Meet Jake. He carries a bone around that is the exact same size as him, no problem! He is always on the move. He has more energy than a room of kindergartners. And I would like to say something about Jake. We should all be as happy as Jake. If more people in the world were as happy as this one pup, there would be less crime, less drama, less war, more love, more serving and more of what God meant for this world to have.

These 3 dogs are what is right about this world. They model behaviors that people should strive to have in their life. Unconditional and unashamed love, tender hearts, others come first, fun, humor, happiness and the list goes on! The H family has said many times to me that owning a pet can teach you a lot. I am not a dog owner personally, but I do have to agree with them 100% after spending the afternoon with these 3 little lovers!

There was a bonus blessing at their house too, because the H family had their niece, Fancy over for the day. I was able to capture precious moments with her as well, so check back with this blog later as anyone named Fancy deserves her own post!

Continue to scroll down for more moments captured at the H house. Again, thank you friends for allowing me in to capture these photos and to experience this joy!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Friends and Fun

Just for fun my daughter and her amazing friend went out to do a photo shoot...what I got was pretty ladies in great photos and somehow a deeper relationship formed...how does being silly and capturing those moments bond friends? I'm not sure, but it does and it's worth it...take a look at the fun: