
Welcome to
"jodie christine photography"
Pull up a chair, grab a cup of joe or your glass of wine and enjoy the memories. Each photograph tells a story and I appreciate you coming to listen.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


I was introduced to this new photography website and created a quick video. I love this new tool and hope to be using it quite a bit. Thank you Shayla and Lana for telling me about this great website.

Create your own video slideshow at animoto.com.

It's a Girl!!!

This was my first maternity shoot. It was filled with laughs for most of the day. That was mainly due to the fact the husband kept us all in stitches. What a good sport he was to endure this gaggle of woman, all talking about baby girlie things...It's possible he loved the fact that it was his daughter we were gushing over.

This one was a must, read the sign on the candy shop window in the background!

The new mom was a ballerina most her life and her heart is and will always be on pointe. That's why this shot was special to me, maybe not my favorite visually but defiantly my favorite emotionally.

The new grandma got to be part of this special day and I can only imagine how she must feel seeing her baby having a baby!

These are some of my favorite color photographs from the day...

These are some of my favorite black and white photographs from the day...

and I had to save the best for last...

...for those of you who know "Mamma" personally, this image captures her personality in a way none of the others did...Baby Girl, you have one fun life ahead of you!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My Favorite Model

I bet you can guess why this is my favorite model...

This is my daughter on the day her dance team won the state championship!

One of my favorites...

another favorite!

This is a shot I like to call "Gilmore Girls the 2nd" She is a special girl to me and an inspiration daily!

Monday, March 29, 2010

My 1st Wedding Shoot!

Amy and Ken got married Saturday.

They allowed my friend Tricia, from "Eyes Like Twins Photography" and myself to invade their special day and capture some memories. We called this practice at first, not knowing that what this day would end up being was one of our most touching memories.

Tricia started the day out taking photographs at the home of the bride's mother. I met up with her later that day on the way to the wedding. I grabbed her camera with excitement to see what lay in her pixels.

As I pushed the arrow to the right to see all the images, I started to cry. I saw the amazing photos the talented Tricia captured and I was especially touched of the ones of the mom and her daughter on this most special day.

This is when I realized, this simple job of photography was truly important. It is a service. It will give lasting visual stories to the people that allow me to enter their life even for just a moment.

This is Amy, the bride. She was as sweet as she is beautiful. Such a kind spirit and you should have seen the way she looked at her groom.

This is Ken, the groom. Ditto on the way he looked at his bride. They have been together 5 years and they loved each other deeply. I knew this and I had only just met them.

Look at this flower girl...such a honey! Those dimples are to die for...

I personally loved this one, because as anyone who has been a bride knows, the flower girl is never far from your side. It is such a special day for her that she will talk about it on the day she gets married to her prince.



This photo captures the welcome feeling of the reception. Look at these amazing doors! Beautiful...

I was walking around the reception and I caught the mom and dad of the groom practicing their dance and thought this was a precious moment!


This is my favorite photo of the day. Congratulations Ken and Amy. I pray you have a wonderful life together. Thank you again for allowing us to be part of your celebration.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Special Family!

The following are a few photos of one of the neatest families that I am privileged to know. Everyone of them has a different personality and they all are amazing people. I call the mom the "Queen of Kings" as you can see, she is the only woman in the family. They all adore her and she them.

The 2 sons of this family are both handsome and men of integrity, and silly to boot...they made this photo shoot fun for me!

A quote from mom "My husband always said it was his goal in life to make me laugh, and he does it everyday!" That was one of the sweetest things I have heard in a long time and refreshing as well.

It's a blessing to know people like this family, and it's a blessing to spend an afternoon capturing their interactions as a family. It's a joy to take photographs and it's my hope that it's a joy for you to spend a few minutes looking at them.

My 1st Photo Blog!

Well, this is my first Photo Blog and I have so much to say and I want to start with saying "Thank You!" I have lots so let's get started...First and foremost, I want to thank God for giving me the passion for photography, and the eye for art. I could not do anything without Him. It is my hope that my work honors Him and shares my love for His son, Jesus Christ.

I would also like to thank all of my family and friends who keep encouraging me to get started! My love language is words of affirmation and it's because of your use of words that I have taken this hobby and turned it into a career.

My love of art, visual learning and story telling have all connected into what I hope is an enjoyable place to pause and take a breath of fresh air.